Do you want to know what components will be available for use in C++ IDE windows in the first half of 2021? Which components to download from Getıt? In this post, we will choose some of the components for the first half of this year.
In Modern Programming, in other terms, in Professional Programming, especially in Modern C++; we mostly refer to a lot of libraries and other tools that help us to modernize our applications. They also help to save time, to save us from seeing a lot of code lines, to save us from learning and focusing on more areas. One of the strong parts of C++ Builder is its components and libraries, plus it supports 3rd party components and libraries. GetIt is also a good place for developers who want to release these kinds of libraries and tools.
C++ Builder is a great programming language that comes with RAD Studio. Rad Studio has a great tool that is called GetIt. First, let’s remember what is GetIt !
Table of Contents
What is GetIt Package Manager ?
The GetIt Package Manager, is an official tool (a window form) of RAD Studio IDE that comes with C++ Builder and/or Delphi. GetIt Package Manager lets you search and browse available packages (C++ or Delphi Components, Libraries, Components for IoT, Styles, Sample Projects, Tools, IDE Plugins, Patches, Trials, …). From this window you can install, uninstall, update, or subscribe to these packages. Currently it has about 300 components, all are in up to date, and able to run on the latest RADS version

Packages of the first half of the year on GetIT
GetIt has about 300 packages, most of them are free or free with limited versions. We can not list all but we want to list some of them for you. We picked a lot of packages because of their easy usage, being free, some are official packages and some are necessary for some applications. Here are our picks,
Patches available from the GetIt Package Manager
First, check all patches and install them, they are needed for your RAD Studio, For example, the latest RAD Studio 10.4.2 has these patches. If you have RAD Studio with Delphi and C++ Builder, I highly recommend you install Delphi patches too. Because RAD Studio is able to run Delphi and C++ code together and some libs or other components may require these latest patches to run better.

RAD Studio IDE Plugins are on GetIt
TwineCompile : Cut C++ compile times by up to 50x! It is a great parallel compilation tool. Please see this https://learncplusplus.org/tutorial-twinecompile-ide-integration-for-c-parallel-compilation/
Bookmarks : Navigate your code! Bookmarks replaces the IDE’s inbuilt functionality with new, improved navigation. Place a marker with Ctrl+B – a number will be automatically assigned. Jump between bookmarks by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Left or Right Arrow.
CodeSite Express : Live Local and Remote Application Logging.
Navigator : Navigator lets you move between any section of code quickly, easily, and without your fingers leaving the keyboard. There’s also a minimap – a miniature version of your code, showing the structure and letting you scroll just like a scrollbar. This plugin used to be Parnassus Navigator.
Parnassus Parallel Debugger : Modern apps have multiple threads, and this plugin lets you debug in parallel: the same way your code runs! See multiple call stacks, step or run each thread instead of the whole process, see multiple threads’ execution right in the code editor – and more.
XML Mapper : XML Mapper is the Swiss knife for transforming and mapping XML files. This is an updated version of the XML Mapper that ships with RAD Studio. At design time, it defines the mappings between generic XML documents and the data packets that client datasets use.
Lots of libraries on GetIt
Boost CLANG Win32 and Win64 : The Boost libraries are a set of C++ libraries that significantly expand the language using template metaprogramming. Boost can be used for the classic toolchain for Win32 only. And can be used for the modern Win32 and Win64 Clang-enhanced platforms.
FastReport VCL and FMX : FastReport is a Report generator for VCL and FMX, it is a modern solution for integrating Business Intelligence in your software. It has been created for developers who want to use ready-made components for reporting. FastReport FMX, with its simplicity of use, convenience and small distribution size is able to provide high functionality and performance on almost any modern PC.
IPWorks 2020 : IPWorks is a comprehensive framework of easy-to-use components for Internet development, including FTP, HTTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, LDAP, DNS, SMS, SOAP, etc.
PowerPDF VCL : Component for Delphi and CBuilder to create PDF docs. You can design PDFs easily on the IDE. Supported on Windows platforms. There is a FMX version on their official site.
Plenty of components on GetIt
Icons8 : Single icon pack with 64,800 free icons. Each icon is in 5 flat styles.
Bonus Radiant Shapes : Radiant Shapes is a set of graphical FireMonkey controls, now included in the 10.4 Sydney Bonus Pack.
Sample Code on GetIt
FMX GUI Templates : FMX GUI Templates are six different FireMonkey UI template project groups for C++ and Delphi.
and try to install all samples if you can, all is great, gives some idea, they may help to modernize your samples
There are professional custom styles on GetIt
All Styles : Try to install all styles that you can, all is great !
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