Artificial Intelligence TechC++C++17C++20Learn C++

How To Create Simple Generative AI Code In C++

In the short space of just over a year we have had very important developments happening in AI technologies. One of the biggest leaps was by ChatGPT-3 which is a Generative Pre-trained Transformer model in AI technology. Now we have GPT-4 and GPT-5 is on the way. In public tests on text and Images, it is well known that Generative AI is a very creative technology. Generative AI is also called…
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What Is The Stack (std::stack) In Modern C++?

Modern C++ defines four container categories, and one of these is known as Container Adapters. There is a very useful container adapter implemented by the std::stack. In this post, we explain what std::stack is, and how can we add, delete, and print out them. Before that let’s remind ourselves what containers are in C++ programming and what are their types. What is a container in…
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C++C++14C++17C++20Learn C++

What Are The C++14 Features Removed From C++17?

Modern C++ has a lot of useful new classes, methods, templates, and keywords introduced with the new C++ standards. Mostly they are new or enhanced versions of previous ones. Because of new modern technologies and software requirements, some of these features are being deprecated and some are being removed. In this post, we will list C++14 features removed from C++17 and beyond. What are the…
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What is the negation (std::negation) metafunction in C++?

Metaprogramming is another great feature of modern C++ that allows programs to redesign themselves during compilation or run time. In C++17, another new feature of metaprogramming is introduced, logical operation metafunctions. These are variadic metafunctions that are conjunction, disjunction, and negation which can be used for metaprogramming features of applications. In this post, we explain…
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