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Learn Copy Constructors in C++ Classes

In C++, constructors are one of the important parts of class types. There are different constructor types in C++ classes and the Copy Constructor is one of these. Copy Constructors are not only used in classes but also used with struct and union data types. In this post, we will try to explain the types of Copy Constructors in modern C++. What is the Constructor in C++ classes? The…
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How To Use Basic Methods Of Strings In C++?

In C++, one of the most used variable types are text strings, also known as alfa-numeric variables, and they are really important when storing and retrieving valuable data. It is important to store your data safely in its language and localization. In modern C++, strings are std::basic_string types such as std::string, and std::wstring. In this post, we explain some methods of std::string in…
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How To Use std::apply With Tuple In C++ 17 And Beyond?

The C++17 standard was one of the major standards in the history of modern C++. One of the new library features in C++17 was std::apply which is designed to be used with std::tuple class template. In this post, we explain how to use apply with std::tuple in C++ examples. What is std::tuple in C++? Thetuple(std::tuple) is a class templatea fixed-size collection of…
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Learn How To Use Clamp (std::clamp) In Modern C++ 17 and Beyond

The C++17 brings a lot of features to the modern programming. The Parallelism Technical Specification adds several new algorithms to the standard C++ library. These are modernized in the <algorithm> header in the standard library. In this library there is a very less know useful algorithm std::clamp, which is an algorithm that returns value in its range. In this post, we explain what is…
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