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How To Learn Limits Of A Variable Type In C++

When there is a numerical value in an application’s development code, a professional programmer needs to understand which type of a variable should be used how big it could be in terms of capacity and memory usage. The developer must take into account what the minimum and maximum ranges could be. In most operations, the exact choice of variable might not be too important, but for larger…
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What Are The Type Template Parameters In C++

Template feature in C++ is one of the great features of modern C++. One of the great features of modern C++ is the ability to define templates. Templates are one of the most important techniques for you to learn, since it’s really only with knowledge of templates that you can claim to understand C++. So much of C++, including the standard library that you use every day as a C++…
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This Is How To Use std::map In Modern C++

Modern C++ is amazingly powerful with many great features to help you write programs more easily with fewer errors. In C++, the Standard Template Library or STL has many algorithms for operations like searching, counting, and manipulation of ranges and their elements. In…