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Learn How To Use Types Of Destructors In C++?

When we are developing modern applications, we construct many objects by using our classes, they normally deconstruct themself when they are out of scope, sometimes we need operations to deconstruct them which means we need to define destructors. Destructors are not only used in classes but also used with struct and union data types. In this post, we will try to explain how to use a Typical…
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C++C++11Introduction to C++Learn C++Syntax

Full List Of Features In C++ 11

C++ is one of the most powerful programming languages available today and it is being improved by every new C++ standard. The “Modern C++” term started with the release of the C++11 standards, and then the C++14, C++17, and C++20 standards followed. In the future C++23 is already on the horizon. Modern C++ consists of a lot of features of previous C++ standards too and, of course, those of the…
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What Are The Logical Operation Metafunctions In Modern C++?

Metaprogramming is another great feature of modern C++ that allows programs to redesign itself during compilation or run time. In C++17, another new feature about metaprogramming is introduced, logical operation metafunctions. These are variadic metafunctions that are  conjunction, disjunction, and negation which can be used for metaprogramming features of applications. In this post, we…
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