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Learn How To Use Types Of Destructors In C++?

When we are developing modern applications, we construct many objects by using our classes, they normally deconstruct themself when they are out of scope, sometimes we need operations to deconstruct them which means we need to define destructors. Destructors are not only used in classes but also used with struct and union data types. In this post, we will try to explain how to use a Typical…
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Learn How To Use Non-Copyable Movable Types in C++ Templates

In C++, memory and CPU/GPU management are very important and the compiler is amazingly using them well in templates, classes, and objects. Every declaration and usage of any bits may cause a lot of heavy calculations, memory usage, and high CPU/GPU usage. Using copy and move types in templates is very important when you develop a professional app. In this post, we explain how you can use…
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What Is An Assignment Operator In C++?

One of the most commonly used features of C++ software, in common with many programming languages, are assignment operators. These take the form of copy assignment and move assignment operators. In C++, a copy assignment operator can be used with “operator=” to create a new object from an existing one. In this post, we explain assignment operators with copy assignment operator examples…
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What Is A Trivial Move Constructor In Modern C++?

C++ is a wonderful programming language with its object-oriented programming features, such as Classes, Objects, constructors, move constructors, copy constructors, destructors, etc. Since the C++11 standards, in modern C++, one of the features is the move constructor that allows you to move the resources from one object to another object without copying them. One of the move constructors is the…
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