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How To Learn C Programming

How To Learn C Programming

C and C++ are arguably the most powerful programming languages that can be used to develop native C++ iOS apps for the ARM based Apple mobile devices. Most C++ compilers support the C language, that means you can code in C language in a C++ IDE.

C and C++ have many pre-defined functions, and libraries which make writing modern, robust C++ a breeze. Using a fast and reliable compiler and specialized C++ IDE is very important for beginners and professionals since it helps C++ developers in remembering which language features exist, how to use them, and even detect errors when we get it wrong. If you are on the hunt for the best C/C++ compilers available today, we highly recommend using a professional C++ compiler with an advanced IDE from the start. A C++ IDE is really important because of powerful tailored features like error highlights, auto code completion, and help system which help with the process of writing the code plus the opportunity to run, test, debug, deploy, merge or transform code to run on other platforms (multiplatform coding) are also important. All these capabilities require a powerful compiler and IDE which is a specialized tool to help developers create and test their code.

How To Learn C Programming A person holding a phone

How to start C programming with a Hello World example on iOS?

If you are new to programming, here is a quick introduction to C Programming. You should download and install a free C and C++ compiler and IDE. Then run your IDE, now you can write your C code here. First, you should include libraries that you intend to use. Generally, for beginners the stdio.h library is enough to do simple beginner apps. We can include this library as shown below:

Second, you should add the main procedure (the main program, the main function) like so:

After that you should write your programming code lines into this procedure, between the { and } brackets. If you are a beginner “Hello World” examples are good to understand features of that programming language. Writing a Hello World program helps to understand and practice how to edit text, how to write syntactically correct code, how to compile that code and link it, how to debug and execute, how to deploy and release the finished program so it can be used by yourself and others. This full example below is a “Hello World” C example on Windows which runs in C++ Builder.

In C++, after every command you use you should put a semicolon ; at the end of your commands. In this example above we print a text with printf() function and then we wait to get a character input (key press), then we exit and return 0 which means our main app successfully run and exit.

How to learn C Programming from C Libraries?

A programming IDE and compiler have several hundred functions, macros, and classes that you can call from within your C and C++ programs to perform a wide variety of tasks, including low- and high-level I/O, string and file manipulation, memory allocation, process control, data conversion, mathematical calculations, and more.

You can use many C libraries in your C and C++ apps. You can start to learn functions of stdio.h library More Information about C Run Time Libraries (RTL) can be found here. You can find more Introduction level C and C++ examples in here:

If you don’t know how to use and IDE and compile a C or C++ app, this is a good example to start;

How to learn C Programming with C++ Builder?

If you are looking for more professional IDE and C++ compiler, in my opinion the Best Professional C++ IDE and Code Editor to Implement C++ Programs for Windows and mobile devices is the latest version of RAD Studio or C++ Builder.

You can read more about the product history, on this great blog post by C++Builder PM David Millington on “Celebrating 25 Years of C++Builder!” There is another very interesting blog post by David I on “The C++Builder 25th Anniversary: Visual Development, the Power of the C++ Language and 2.5 decades of Continuing Excellence“.

How To Learn C Programming The RAD Studio IDE in light mode

You can download the free C++ Builder Community Edition here:
Professional developers can use the Professional, Architect or Enterprise versions of C++ Builder. Please visit

See What’s New in RAD Studio 11

Download RAD Studio 11 Now

If you want to know how to build C and C++ apps for iOS, here is a good post to create C and C++ Apps for iOS devices.

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About author

Dr. Yilmaz Yoru has 35+ years of coding with more than 30+ programming languages, mostly C++ on Windows, Android, Mac-OS, iOS, Linux, and some other operating systems. He graduated and received his MSc and PhD degrees from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Eskisehir Osmangazi University. He is the founder and CEO of ESENJA LLC Company. His interests are Programming, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Artificial Intelligence, 2D & 3D Designs, and high-end innovations.
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