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What Are The C++14 Features Removed From C++17?

Modern C++ has a lot of useful new classes, methods, templates, and keywords introduced with the new C++ standards. Mostly they are new or enhanced versions of previous ones. Because of new modern technologies and software requirements, some of these features are being deprecated and some are being removed. In this post, we will list C++14 features removed from C++17 and beyond. What are the…
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C++C++11C++14C++17C++20Learn C++Syntax

What is the negation (std::negation) metafunction in C++?

Metaprogramming is another great feature of modern C++ that allows programs to redesign themselves during compilation or run time. In C++17, another new feature of metaprogramming is introduced, logical operation metafunctions. These are variadic metafunctions that are conjunction, disjunction, and negation which can be used for metaprogramming features of applications. In this post, we explain…
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What Is Multimap (std::multimap) In Modern C++?

Modern C++is very powerful with many great features to help you write programs more easily with safer template class objects that have faster algorithms and methods. In C++, Containersare the powerful data storage arrays in modern C++ and they are very useful for iterating and searching data with their amazing methods, algorithms, and properties. A container is a holder object that…
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