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What Are The Differences Between std::rand() And std::mt19937 In Modern C++?

Random numbers are widely used in today’s modern applications. In C we use rand(), srand() and in C++ it is std::rand(), std::srand(). Since C++11, we can use the Mersenne Twister random generators;  mt19937 (std::mt19937) for 32-bit applications and mt19937_64 (std::mt19937_64) for 64-bit applications. Modern C++ allows us to use both old and new random generators. In this post, we explain…
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How To Use std::invoke In C++ 17?

There is a new library feature in the C++17 standard, it is std::invoke which is a useful feature to uniformly invoke callable entities. In this post, we explain what std::invoke is and how we can use it in examples. First, let’s remind ourselves about what is a callable object and what is a functor in modern C++. What is callable object and what is functor in modern…
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What Is The Class Template Variant (std::variant) in C++ 17?

In C++ Builder 12, and modern C++ the std::variant is one of the powerful features that comes with C++17. The std::variant is a discriminated union that we can work with multiple data types. It represents a type-safe union and holds one of its types in definition. What is the class template std::variant in C++ 17? The std::variant is a class template defined in <variant> header that…
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How To Use Alias Templates For Traits In C++ 17 and Beyond

One of the great features of C++ is templates, they are parameterized by alias templates in C++11. Then, In C++14 and C++17, they improved C++11’s feature with a number of template aliases whose use simplifies the traits. This feature is called “Alias Templates For Traits” and in this post, we explain what is and alias template and how we can use alias templates with…
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