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This Is How To Use std::map In Modern C++

Modern C++ is amazingly powerful with many great features to help you write programs more easily with fewer errors. In C++, the Standard Template Library or STL has many algorithms for operations like searching, counting, and manipulation of ranges and their elements. In this Learn C++ post we show you a feature called std::map that you can use to pair elements. What is a container in modern…
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Everything You Need To Use String Literals in Modern C++

One of the main data types of programming is the string. Strings are important in every step of programming. They should be used carefully so they are displayed and function correctly which is especially important if you are developing global applications that use different languages. Using a professional C++ Dev Tool will help you with things like automatic syntax highlighting to help you…
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Learn To Use argc argv in C++

When we run an application, we can directly run the executable file or we can run this executable file with arguments. Arguments are very useful for many reasons. This feature allows the user to define their arguments on the command line or from file info and the executable file can then use the arguments in the code to set variables or determine internal actions. When you create an application in…
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A Simple Example Program of Constructor In C++

Constructors are distinguished from all other member functions by having the same name as the class they belong to. When an object of that class is created or is being copied, the appropriate constructor is called implicitly. If you are developing a C++ app of course using Object Oriented methods, Classes and Objects – the two main features of OOP. In this post, we teach you how you can…
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