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What Is The mt19937 Random Generator In Modern C++?

Random numbers are one of the most important parts of today’s modern programming technologies. They are used in mathematics, physics, in many engineering fields, and in programming such as generating random data for testing, random maps in levels, random trees on a planet – the list is endless. Since C++11, mt19937 (std::mt19937) is implemented as a random number generator. In this…
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How To Use Alias Templates For Traits In C++ 17 and Beyond

One of the great features of C++ is templates, they are parameterized by alias templates in C++11. Then, In C++14 and C++17, they improved C++11’s feature with a number of template aliases whose use simplifies the traits. This feature is called “Alias Templates For Traits” and in this post, we explain what is and alias template and how we can use alias templates with…
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What Are The Standard User-Defined Literals In C++14?

C++11 introduced new forms of literals using modified syntax and semantics to provide User-Defined Literals (UDL) also known as Extensible Literals. While there was the ability to use them the standard library did not use any of them. In C++14, the commission added some standard literals. In this post, we explain user-defined literals operators and we explain some of these standard literals…
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