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How To Solve Data Race Problems In Modern C++?

Inmulti-thread programming, data races are a common problem in threads. Data races occur when multiple tasks or threads access a shared resource without sufficient protection, leading to undefined or unpredictable behavior on runtime. In C++, the concurrency support library is designed to solve these kinds of data race problems. In this post, we explain how to solve data race problems in…
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Important To Learn std::memory_order In C++ Atomic Operations

Using multi-threading development skills on the CPU, GPU, and memory operations is important in programming, but it can give rise to problems in synchronization of multi-thread operations and reaching data for reading and writing. The concurrency support library in modern C++ is designed to solve problems in multi-thread operations. Since the C++11 standard, this library includes built-in…
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Learn How To Use User Defined Literal Operators In Modern C++

C++11 introduced new forms of literals using modified syntax and semantics in order to provide User-Defined Literals (UDL) also known as Extensible Literals. Using user-defined literals, user-defined classes can provide new literal syntax and they can be used with the operator "" to combine values with conversion operators. In this post, we explain how to use user-defined literals in modern…
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