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What Is Heterogeneous Lookup In Associative Containers In C++?

Containers are data storage arrays in modern C++ and they are very useful to iterate and search data with their amazing methods and properties. The C++ Standard Library defines four different main container types and one of them is associative containers such as std::map, and std::set. These class types allow us to use the look-up method “find()” by a value based on a value of that…
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What Are The Differences Between Mutex And Shared Mutex In C++?

The concurrency support library in modern C++ is designed to solve read and write data securely in thread operations that allow us to develop faster multi-thread apps. This library includes built-in support for threads (std::thread), atomic operations (std::atomic), mutual exclusion (std::mutex), condition variables (std::condition_variable), and many other features. In C++14, in addition to…
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How To Use std::exchange In C++

C++ is a very precise programming language that allows you to use memory operations in a wide variety of ways. Mastering efficient memory handling will improve your app performance at run time and can result in faster applications that have optimal memory usage. One of the many useful features that come with the C++14 standard is the std::exchange algorithm that is defined in the utility header.
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What Is A Mutex Mutual Exclusion In Modern C++

CPUs and GPUs have evolved year on year to feature a greater number of cores and transistors to give more computational power for today’s servers and computers. With the advent of multiple cores, it is common now for programs to make use of multiple simultaneous threads. In modern C++, multi-thread operations are amazingly evolved since C++11, still there are new improvements in the latest…
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