C++Introduction to C++Learn C++

Discover Switch Statements in C++

Another one of the most used logical operators in C++ is switch() statement. A switch statement allows you to check variable and you can branch to different cases in accordance with it’s value. Each cases can be defined for different values, and the variable being switched on is checked for each case.When the switch expression is evaluated once, the value of the given expression is…
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C++Introduction to C++Learn C++

Learn How To Use Operators In C++

C Programming language is one of the oldest programming language. A lot of operands in other programming languages got inspiration from this language. C and C++ have the same operators and most of them are the same in other programming languages. In programming variable at the left side of the equation symbol is a new variable, or variable that will have new value from the right side of the…
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C++Introduction to C++Learn C++

Learn To Use For Loops In C++

In programming, one of the most used statement is for() loops. It is used to count in range with given conditions. If you know exactly how many times you want to execute a block of code in your loop, then they are very useful than other loops. Occasionally, it is used to…
C++Introduction to C++Learn C++

Learn to Use Strings in C++

In C programming language ASCII codes are used as in char arrays to store texts in ASCII mode. You can use char arrays in both C and C++, they are faster in operations and they have less memory usage. In s modern way, strings are useful for storing texts and they are defined…
C++Game DevelopmentLanguage FeatureLearn C++

Let's Fly Ingenuity Helicopter 3D Model with C++ Builder on Windows

Do you want to develop your own Mars Simulation with the latestMars Perseverance Rover3D Model orMars Ingenuity Helicopter3D Model? C++ Builder is very easy to develop this kind of simple simulations. You just need a 3D object model and some colors, lights, a camera, maybe some textures. This same method and results can be obtained in Delphi too. We highly recommend you to…
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C++Introduction to C++Learn C++

Learn How To Use Comments In C++

In all programming languages, comments are used to explain something in a normal way, something like post-its you put into lines to remember or to notify other developers. In C and C++, there are two kinds of commenting character series;1. Single Line Commenting with //Double forward slashes, // is used as a single-line comment. They are good to add some note before your code lines or after your…
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