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Learn To Use Directory Operations In Your C++ App

Do you want to use DOS commands to operate on directories or folders? Do you know that you can use system commands in C++ to operate on folders? How can we get our C++ App to list files of a folder, how we can copy, rename, delete, or move directories? Can we set the access permissions of a directory by using system commands in C++? We will explain all the answers to these questions below.C++ is a…
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What Is The Typical Declaration Of A Destructor In A C++ App?

When you construct an object in your C++ app, sometimes you need operations to deconstruct. Destructors not only used in classes but also used with struct and union data types. Do you want to learn what is destructor or what kind of methods we have that we can declare and use destructors? In this post, we will try to explain how to use a Typical Destructor in Classes with given examples. What…
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This Is How To Convert u16string To A wstring In C++

What do we mean by “wide string” in a C++ app? What is a u16string? How can I convert a u16string to a wstring? Let’s answer these questions. What is a wstring? Wide strings are the string class for ‘wide’ characters represented by wstring. Alphanumeric characters are stored and displayed in string form. In other words wstring stores alphanumeric text with 2 or…
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