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This Is How To Use Bitwise Operators in C++ Software

What are the bitwise operators and how can they be used in C++ software? Do you know what a bitwise operation is? What is bit shifting? How can we use the AND, OR, XOR, NOT bitwise operators? In this post we will answer these questions.. A short explanation of what a ‘bit’ is in computer terminology The construction, size, complexity and the general form of CPUs have changed…
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How To Read And Write Text Files In A Modern C++ App

How can I read a text file in a C++ app? How can I write to a text file in C++? How can I append to a text file in C++? How can I use open() method for the ifstream? How can I use open() method for the ofstream? How can I use open() method for the fstream? What is the syntax of ofstream open()? What is the syntax of ifstream open()? What is the syntax of fstream open()? How can I write and read to…
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Learn To Use Time And Its Properties In Your C++ App

How can we use Time in our C++ App? How can we obtain local time or UTC time? How can we get each individual property of the clock (hours, mins, seconds)? When we write programs, it’s very common to come across two important parameters, which are Date and Time properties. The Date and Time property is obtained from a timer or time module which is a physical device on the hardware you are…
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