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Traversing sequences without writing explicit loops

The posts General Loop Statements in Modern C++ and Range-for-statement in modern C++ cover ways to write explicit loops. But explicit loops can be tedious to write and, what is more important, – harder to read, because the resulting code requires to spend the extra time by others in order to understand what is going on in the explicit loop. As alternative, the C++ standard library provides…
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C++Learn C++

How To Create A Dev C++ Static Library For Windows

Welcome back to our Embarcadero Dev-C++ videos series. In this session is about creating C++ static libraries. Static libraries are collections of object files that are linked together when a file gets compiled into an executable. In this tutorial you can…
C++Code SnippetLanguage FeatureLearn C++

Colors In Modern C++ For Windows Development

Colors are very important in application development on both displaying and editing/analyzing operations. All images (pictures, photos, drawings, icons, emojis, all UI elements …) are consist of pixels in colors. You just need to change the colors of a pixel to draw a beautiful drawing or to edit a photo. You can set your drawings, bitmaps, images, you can create colorful BMP, JPG, PNG…
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C++11C++14C++17Learn C++

Switch Statement in Modern C++

The C++ language provides the switch statement which can be used to replace the set of if statements (see If Statements in Modern C++). First of all, let’s define the enum type Traffic_light_color as follows: enum class Traffic_light_color { red, yellow, green…