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What Are The Amazing Containers In Modern C++?

Containers are powerful data storage arrays in modern C++ and they are very useful to iterate and search data with their amazing methods and properties. TheC++ Standardslibrary defines 4 container types. In this post, we explain containers in modern C++. What is a container in modern C++? Containers are modern data storage arrays in modern C++ and they are very useful to iterate…
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How To Use std::exchange In C++

C++ is a very precise programming language that allows you to use memory operations in a wide variety of ways. Mastering efficient memory handling will improve your app performance at run time and can result in faster applications that have optimal memory usage. One of the…
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What is a range-based for loop in modern C++?

In C++, the for loops are one of the great features of C and C++ language that has many options to break, continue, or iterate in a loop. In modern C++, there is a range-based for loop that makes it simple to iterate through a variable type that has members (i.e. strings, lists, arrays, vectors, maps, etc.). The range-based for loop is a feature for the for() loops introduced by the C++11…
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Learn Bits and How To Use std::bitset In C++

In computer hardware and software, bit is the smallest unit of data, and as programmers we use them in every single character of our code lines and more. A std::bitset is a modern feature to use set of bits in C++. C++ is great programming language to use every part of hardware of a device and you can use C++ program easily with a professional compiler and by using this kind of examples below.
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How To Sort With The STL Compare Function Objects In C++

Modern C++ has a great deal of features and functions designed to make the process of writing apps easier and less labor-intensive. In C++, STL Standard Template Library has many algorithms for some operations like searching, counting, and manipulation of ranges and their elements. C++ has a new feature that you can sort with std::sort Parallel STL Algorithm. C++ has function objects for…
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