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How To Sort C++ Vectors With std::sort Parallel Sorting

Modern C++ is an amazing programming language with many powerful features. In C++, the Standard Template Library or STL has many algorithms for operations like searching, counting, and manipulation of ranges and their elements. C++17 has a new feature in the STL which allows you to sort vectors with the std::sort Parallel Sorting Algorithm. Both vectors and arrays can be sorted by the std::sort…
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C++C++11C++14C++17Introduction to C++Learn C++

How To Use C++ front() And back() Methods Of Vectors

In this post, you’ll get answers to these questions: What are the Vectors in C++?How can I use the front() iterator method on vectors?How can I use the back() iterator method on vectors?Can I get the last member of a vector by using the back() method?How can I access the first element of a vector?Can I print out the first and the last members of vectors by using the front() and back()…
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What Are The New Algorithms That Come With C++ 17?

The C++17 standard came with a lot of new features and improvements. One of the features was the math.h library which modernized math operations with the cmath library. The Parallelism Technical Specification adds several new algorithms to the standard C++ library that we can use in C++ Builder 12. These are modernized in the <algorithm> header in the standard library. In this post, we…
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What Is Heterogeneous Lookup In Associative Containers In C++?

Containers are data storage arrays in modern C++ and they are very useful to iterate and search data with their amazing methods and properties. The C++ Standard Library defines four different main container types and one of them is associative containers such as std::map, and std::set. These class types allow us to use the look-up method “find()” by a value based on a value of that…
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