C++C++11C++14C++17ComponentsIntroduction to C++Learn C++

Learn Basic Components in C++ Builder (QuickLook Part 1)

In this article we will add some quick methods to show how to use basic components in C++ Builder. Most of component properties and methods are same in VCL and FMX projects. If you are a beginner we highly recommend you to watch this Introduction To C++ Windows Development With C++Builder video to understand C++ Builder / RAD Studio IDE interface and some basic mechanisms. This video will help…
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C++C++11C++14C++17IteratorsLearn C++

Reverse Iterators in C++

By using bidirectional iterator or random access iterator (see Iterator Categories in C++) it’s possible to traverse the sequence in backward direction by using operator -- or by using the special adapter template class std::reverse_iterator. But why to bother with reverse iterators if the operator -- is available for iterators with bidirectional traversing capabilities? The answer is…
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C++C++11C++14C++17IteratorsLearn C++

Introduction to C++ Iterators

Iterator abstracts the concept of pointer to the sequence in range [begin, end), and thus provides the following basic operations: dereference to obtain the current element;movement to point the next element;comparison to determine at least the end of sequence. Iterator to the element of the sequence in range [begin, end) is valid from the moment of initialization and until: the moment it…
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