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How To Use Basic Methods Of Strings In C++?

In C++, one of the most used variable types are text strings, also known as alfa-numeric variables, and they are really important when storing and retrieving valuable data. It is important to store your data safely in its language and localization. In modern C++, strings are std::basic_string types such as std::string, and std::wstring. In this post, we explain some methods of std::string in…
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What Is basic_string_view And string_view In Modern C++

C++17 had enormous changes in C++ features. One of them was basic_string_view (std::basic_string_view) which is a constant string container that can be used for multiple string declarations. The basic_string_view is a modern way of read-only text definition. It can be used by iterators and other methods of the basic_string_view class. In this post, we explain basic_string_view and its…
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Everything You Need To Use String Literals in Modern C++

One of the main data types of programming is the string. Strings are important in every step of programming. They should be used carefully so they are displayed and function correctly which is especially important if you are developing global applications that use different languages. Using a professional C++ Dev Tool will help you with things like automatic syntax highlighting to help you…
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Convert A Char Array To A Wide String In Modern C++ Software

How can I convertchar arrayto astd::wstring? How can I convert chars to a 2-bytes wide string? Here are the answers with C++ examples. Generally, as an introduction to C++, in addition to int, float, double there are other data types likestringandwstringin modern C++ that we can use for alphanumeric variables. In Modern C++, there are several typedefs…
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