Helpers for Generic C++ Code Accessing Container Properties
December 12, 2020
In addition to Helpers for Generic C++ Code Iterating Over Sequences the C++17 Standard Library provides the following helpers for writing generic code:
#include <iterator> // new helpers of C++17 are defined here
template<class Container>
Helpers for Generic C++ Code Iterating Over Sequences
December 12, 2020
The iterator library that is part of the C++ Standard Library provides the following helpers for writing generic code:
#include <iterator> // helpers are defined here
template<class Container>
void foo(Container& c)
// Generic way to obtain (constant) iterators
auto b = std::begin(c); // (1)
auto cb = std::cbegin(c); // (2)
auto e = std::end(c); //…
Range-for-statement in Modern C++
December 12, 2020
Since C++11 there are elegant way to access each element of a containers (or, more generally, sequences) – so called range-for-statement. The syntaxes are follow:
template<class Container>
void foo(Container& container)
for (auto element : container)…
Learn C++ With Modern Software Needs Embedded Modern C++ Programming by Michael Wong
December 12, 2020
This video discusses about Embedded Modern C++ Programming. It showcases common C++ features for each cases with Adopting to C++ and gradual adoption for various sizes of systems. Hopefully, this summary will give programmers a better understanding and practical view of what…
Learn How To Combine Embarcadero C++Builder And Visual C++ For Windows Development
December 11, 2020
In this video, you will get an overview of the course, discussing why you would combine Embarcadero C++ builder with Microsoft Visual C++. This video series will cover the development of Windows applications using C++ builder for the GUI or the graphics front end of the…
ComboBox is used to select list of texts (i.e. Categories). Gets the item that is currently selected in the combo box. Selectedreturns the selected item in the combo box as…