C++Language FeatureLearn C++

Learn To Use Script Injection Method In Modern C++ On Windows With EdgeBrowser

If you want to analyze browsed web pages, first you need a web browser component. We can use Script Injection methods to get more details about the HTML or XML documents, for example to get Title of that webpage, or full Body of that page, or value of an element. This is very useful for data mining or for analyzing web pages, this can be applied with time intervals for refreshing web pages, like…
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C++Language FeatureLearn C++

Learn To Develop Your Own Web Browser App In C++ Builder On Windows (EdgeBrowser)

Developing a full Web Browser may take a lot of time, instead of this there are many components and libraries that you can use in C++ development. In RAD Studio, C++ Builder 10.4 and above, there is new feature called EdgeBrowser which is using Edge Canary, it has new features and much more compatible than previous web browsers and other libs or components. To use this…
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