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What Is The Implicit Destructor Created By The C++ Compiler?

The C++ compiler creates an implicitly defined destructor. Do you want to learn about the implicitly defined destructor or what kind of methods we have that we can declare and use with the implicitly defined destructor? In this post, we will try to explain Implicitly Defined Destructor in Classes with given examples. What is a Constructor in C++? The Constructorin C++ is a function, a…
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Artificial Intelligence TechC++C++11C++14C++17

What Is A Gaussian Activation Function In A Neural Network?

What is Gaussian Activation Function in Neural Networks? How can we use the Gaussian Function in ANN? Where can we use Gaussian Function in AI technologies? How can I use these functions in my C++ app? Let’s recap the activation function and explain these terms. What is an activation function in an artificial neural network (ANN)? An Activation Function ( phi() ) also called a…
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Artificial Intelligence TechC++C++11C++14C++17Learn C++

This Is How An SELU Activation Function Works In A C++ App

What is an SELU Activation function? How can we use Scaled Exponential Linear Unit in an artificial neural network (ANN )? How can I use SELU activation functions in my own C+ app?Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) created a revolution in visual analysis and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) were similarly revolutionary in Natural Language Processing. Consequently, both are two of leading AI…
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C++ComponentsLanguage FeatureLearn C++

How To Make Properties For A New FMX Component In The C++ IDE

How can I add custom properties to my new component in an FMX application? What is the syntax for the Component property? How can I add a visual property to my own custom FireMonkey component that can be read or written by the Object Inspector? How can I create a property that can be edited via the Object Inspector in the C++ IDE at design time and via coding at run time? What is the __published…
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