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Learn about Declaration of a Default Constructor Inside of Class Definition

The Constructorin C++ is a function, a method in the class, but it is a ‘special method’ that is automatically called when an object of a class is created. We don’t need to call this function. Whenever a new object of a class is created, the Constructor allows the class to initialize member variables or allocate storage. This is why the name Constructor is given to this…
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C++C++11C++14C++17Introduction to C++Learn C++

Learn C++ Inheritance :: Multilevel Inheritance

Inheritance allows us to define a class in terms of another class, and it makes easier to create and maintain an application. This also provides an opportunity to reuse the code functionality and fast implementation time. If a class is derived from another derived class then it is calledmultilevel inheritance. In other terms, multilevel inheritance method is using a class which has more than…
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Learn about Polymorphism :: Pointers to Base Classes in C++

Generally we try to prepare our posts for a first time C++ readers or we assume reader read some posts about that topic before. At least we try to simplify and clarify the post as much as possible. This post requires a good knowledge about Functions, Classes, Objects and Pointers. These topics are the main stones of C++. So If you feel hard to understand all below, or if you are not really sure of…
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