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This Is How To Use std::u32string In C++ Software

What is u32string in modern C++? How can I use u32string in C++ software? Is std::u32string same as std::string? Why do I have an error when I define a std::u32string? Which literal should I use with the std::u32string? Let’s answer these questions in this post. What is u32string? The u32string (std::u32string or std::pmr::u32string) are the string class data types for the 32bit…
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How To Replace A String Into Another String In A C++ App

How can I use replace() method of std::string in a C++ app? How can I replace a string into another string? Can we replace a char array into a string? How can I replace a number of chars into a string? Is it possible to replace a string with a substring of another string? Here are the answers with C++ examples. First, let’s recap on how strings work in a C++ app In addition to int…
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Learn About Deleted Implicit Destructors in A C++ App

Do you want to learn about deleted implicitly declared destructor in a C++ app? Do you know what kind of methods we have that we can declare and use to deleted implicitly-defined destructors? What is defaulted destructor? In this post, we will try to explain deleted implicitly declared destructors in Classes with given examples. What does a Constructor mean in a C++ app? The Constructor in…
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