C++ is an amazing programming language. Variables and memory usage are important in programming, and how we handle these are improved in every C++ standard. One of the great features is null pointer constants in modern C++ which was introduced with the C++11 standard. In this post, we explain what a null pointer constant (nullptr ) is with very simple examples. You can learn C++ and follow along…
Learn What auto And Auto-Typed Variables Are In Modern C++
March 15, 2023
C++ is a highly evolved and mature programming language. The C++ language has a great set of choices of modern C++ Editor and compilers all of which come with a lot of tools, GUI components, and libraries. C++11 was a big step for functional programming and it brought…
What Does The decltype Type Specifier Mean In C++?
March 14, 2023
C++ is a highly evolved and mature programming language. The C++ language has a great set of choices of modern C++ tool sets and compilers all of which come with a lot of utilities, GUI components, and libraries. C++11 was a big step for functional programming with C++.
What Are The Type Template Parameters In C++
March 13, 2023
Template feature in C++ is one of the great features of modern C++. One of the great features of modern C++ is the ability to define templates. Templates are one of the most important techniques for you to learn, since it’s really only with knowledge of templates that you can claim to understand C++. So much of C++, including the standard library that you use every day as a C++…
C++ is one of the best programming languages to develop games and simulations. One of the important elements of developing a C++ Game is handling key events. Understanding how key and keyboard events work means you can get your program to react to the user’s key…
C++ is one of the best programming language to develop games and simulations. One of the key things to master when learning to write a game in C++ is how to handle key events. This is the ability to perform actions inside the game in accordance with key events such as a key…
Learn About Extern Templates In Modern C++
March 6, 2023
The template feature in C++ is one of the great capabilities of modern C++. A template is a simple and very powerful statement in C++ that defines the operations of a class or function. In this article, we will show how extern templates can be used in a modern C++ app based on recent C++ standards.
First of all, let’s remind ourselves of what templates are in C++.
What is a…
What Is typedef In C++
March 3, 2023
C++ language is an evolved version of the C language. In development, the most commonly used features and functions in C++ come, at least in part, from the C language. One of these C-based features is the typedef specifier. While there is a type alias in C++ typedef is…
Learn What Is Typename Or Type Name In C++
March 2, 2023
The template feature in C++ is one of the great features of modern C++. A template is a simple and very powerful statement in C++ that defines the operations of a class or function. In this article, we will explain what is typename and how you can use them with templates…
Learn How to Integrate GPT-3 API in C++
March 1, 2023
AI based software and hardware technology is rapidly increasing. Every day we see new developments. One of the great leap is we have more logical AI chat applications which are based on NLP and DL mechanisms. There are many AI Tools that can be used to develop an AI powered by a programming language like C, C++, Delphi, Python, etc. In this post we explain how you can use GPT-3 API in C++…