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How To Change Background Color Of An Edit In An FMX C++ App

C++ Builderis the easiest and fastest C++ IDE for building everything from simple to professional applications using visually amazing GUI controls and forms. Each form and component can be skinned with Styles which allow your application to have its own professionally designed attractive look and feel. The Style systems of the VCL and FMX (FireMonkey) award-winning frameworks is very easy to…
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C++C++11C++14C++17C++20Learn C++

Learn Unicode Character Types and Literals in Modern C++

C++11 brings a lot of improvements and I think one of the most important features were the Unicode Character Types and Literals that allow more support for strings in different languages globally. C++11 introduced a new character type to manipulate Unicode character strings. This can be used in C++11, C++14, C++17, and above. This feature improved interactions in next generation C++…
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Where To Find The C++ Standards In 2023?

C++ is a well-established programming language that is supported by a big community for many different computing hardware platforms. The language has a set of standards generally named after the approximate year the standard was adopted, such as C++98, C++11, C++14, C++17, and so on. Basically, these standards are an international agreement for C++ compiler technology. If you are using a feature…
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C++C++11C++14C++17C++20Introduction to C++Learn C++

What Are Function Macros For Integer Constants?

In C++ coding, there are function macros for the fixed-width integer type that expands to an integer constant expression having the value specified by its argument. Their type is the promoted type of std::int_least8_t, std::int_least16_t, std::int_least32_t, and std::int_least64_t and unsigned versions of these types respectively. In this post, we explain these function macros for integer…
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