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What Is A Deleted Function In Modern C++?

In programming, some of the most important parts are the functions that we create. They are like Lego parts that we can use in all places of the application. In modern C++ development, a function declaration is really important, and these functions gained some additional abilities after the C++11 standards. C++11 introduced two new features: defaulted and deleted functions. These are very…
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Learn About Deleted Implicit Destructors in A C++ App

Do you want to learn about deleted implicitly declared destructor in a C++ app? Do you know what kind of methods we have that we can declare and use to deleted implicitly-defined destructors? What is defaulted destructor? In this post, we will try to explain deleted implicitly declared destructors in Classes with given examples. What does a Constructor mean in a C++ app? The Constructor in…
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Learn to use Deleted Implicitly-Declared Default Constructor

The Constructorin C++ is a function, a method in the class, but it is a ‘special method’ that is automatically called when an object of a class is created. We don’t need to call this function. Whenever a new object of a class is created, the Constructor allows the class to initialize member variables or allocate storage. This is why the name Constructor is given to this…
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Learn How to Use New And Delete Elisions In C++

The C++14 standard (and later), brings a lot of useful smart pointers and improvements on them. They help us to avoid the mistake of incorrectly freeing the memory addressed by pointers. In modern C++, we have the new and delete operators that are used to allocate and free objects from memory, and in this post, we explain how to use new and delete operators. Can we use new and delete elisions…
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