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What You Need To Append One String To Another In A C++ App

How can I use the append() method of std::string? How can I append a string to another string in a C++ app? Can we append a char array to a string? How can I append a number of chars to a string? Is it possible to add a substring of a string to another string? Here are the answers with C++ examples. A little word about C++ strings Generally, as an introduction to C++, in addition to int…
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C++C++17Introduction to C++Learn C++

How To Read And Write Text Files In A Modern C++ App

How can I read a text file in a C++ app? How can I write to a text file in C++? How can I append to a text file in C++? How can I use open() method for the ifstream? How can I use open() method for the ofstream? How can I use open() method for the fstream? What is the syntax of ofstream open()? What is the syntax of ifstream open()? What is the syntax of fstream open()? How can I write and read to…
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This Is How To Use Shape Components In A Windows C++ App

C++ Builder is a great IDE which comes with the FireMonkey UI framework. While Firemonkey is a powerful multi-platform UI framework which lets you create apps which work on desktop as well as mobile phones and tablets you can also use it to add many shape types to your C++ app on Windows. TShape is the ancestor class to most other classes defined in the Objects unit. It defines the common…
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