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What Is Multimap (std::multimap) In Modern C++?

Modern C++is very powerful with many great features to help you write programs more easily with safer template class objects that have faster algorithms and methods. In C++, Containersare the powerful data storage arrays in modern C++ and they are very useful for iterating and searching data with their amazing methods, algorithms, and properties. A container is a holder object that…
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Inserting A String Into A Wide String In A Modern C++ App

How can I use insert() method of std::wstring in a modern C++ app? How can I add a string to inside of a wide string? Here are the answers with C++ examples. Generally, as an introduction to C++, in addition to int, float, double, string there is another data type wstring in modern C++ that we can use for alphanumeric variables. In Modern C++, there are several typedefs for common character…
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