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How To Use Basic Methods Of Strings In C++?

In C++, one of the most used variable types are text strings, also known as alfa-numeric variables, and they are really important when storing and retrieving valuable data. It is important to store your data safely in its language and localization. In modern C++, strings are std::basic_string types such as std::string, and std::wstring. In this post, we explain some methods of std::string in…
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How To Use Insert In std::map In Modern C++

Modern C++ is amazing with many great features. In C++, STL Standard Template Library has many algorithms for some operations like searching, counting, and manipulation of ranges and their elements. In this post you can learn C++ feature called std::map that you can map pair elements with an appropriate C++ IDE and compiler. One of its powerful modifiers of std::map is insert(). In this post we…
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This Is How To Add Characters to Wide Strings in Modern C++

Modern C++ uses Wide Strings and Unicode Strings to support worldwide languages. Wide Strings (std::wstring) uses wcha_tr as the character type which means they are 2-bytes chars and they are an instantiation of the basic_string class template. In C++, there are several type definitions for common character types and one of them is std:wstring types that are defined in…
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