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Learn How To Work With Very Large Real Numbers In C++

C++ is a superb programming language that has rich collection of very useful libraries. One of the most common problems in programming is limitations of the types of numbers that we use. If you are about to calculate very big, large real numbers (i.e. factorial 100!) the Boost C++ Libraries can be very useful in avoiding issues and help make things much easier. Boost allows you to use very large…
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What Is typedef In C++

C++ language is an evolved version of the C language. In development, the most commonly used features and functions in C++ come, at least in part, from the C language. One of these C-based features is the typedef specifier. While there is a type alias in C++ typedef is still a strong feature which allows us to create abbreviations for long types. In this article, we will explain how to use…
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Learn How To Use Keyboard Arrows In C++ On Windows

If you want to develop console applications and you need to perform some actions in accordance with key presses such as those you find in games, you need to handle these inputs in your applications. Many game engines are based on C++ and while it’s a lot more complicated to create a full C++ Game engine you will find an IDE like C++ Builder supports event handling just fine, and you can…
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Learn What Is A Variadic Template in C++

In modern C++, a template is a simple and very powerful statement that defines the operations of a class or function. Templates are parameterized features of C++. In this article, we will explain what a variadic template is and how you can use parameter pack in the templates of modern C++. You can download C++  and follow along too.  First of all, let’s try to explain what a template…
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