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Typical Declaration Of A Copy Assignment Operator With std::swap

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a method of mapping real-world objects and data to computer functions and data structures. Classes and Objects are part of object-oriented methods and typically provide features such as properties and methods. One of the features of an OOP tool is the copy assignment operator that is used with “operator=” to create a new object from an existing one.
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What Is aligned_alloc In Modern C++?

The C++11 standard introduced a new alignment feature as one of the many features of the C++ programming language that can be used with the newest C++ compilers today. This new feature was a new keyword align std::aligned_alloc that is used to provide a nested type that can…
C++C++11C++14C++17C++20Learn C++Syntax

What is aligned_storage in Modern C++

The C++11 standard introduced alignment support as one of the many features of the C++ programming language that can be used with the newest C++ compilers today. One of the new features of this support was a new keyword align std::aligned_storage that is used to provide the nested typewhich can be used as an uninitialized storage for any object whose size is at mostgiven object…
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What Is Static Assertion And How To Use static_assert In C++?

In C++, as with any programming language, it’s important to ensure that the logic of your program is correct even when the compiler thinks the syntax is valid. This is true no matter how good your C++ dev tool may be. Logical errors – where something in the program code should be true or false, can be very difficult to spot and track down because the code looks correct but the flaw in…
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How To Learn Limits Of A Variable Type In C++

When there is a numerical value in an application’s development code, a professional programmer needs to understand which type of a variable should be used how big it could be in terms of capacity and memory usage. The developer must take into account what the minimum and maximum ranges could be. In most operations, the exact choice of variable might not be too important, but for larger…
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