C++Language FeatureLearn C++

Learn How To Easily Record Sound In Powerful Modern C++ On Windows

Sounds are in wave format and in digital form sound has its volume change in timeline. In C++ Builder it is easy to use recording devices on Windows. To record a sound in Multi-Device applications we must use FMX.Media.hpp header. 1. Let’s create a new MultiDevice C++ Builder Project, save all project and unit files to a folder. 2. To define Audio Capture Device we need FMX.Media…
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C++Learn C++Videos

Learn C++ With Building Coroutine Based Job System Without Standard Library by Tanki Zhang (CPPCon 2020) Video

Job system is a popular game engine component to increase total CPU performance. This video will walk you through the creation of coroutine-based work system and describe the benefits of using coroutines over the traditional ways of constructing a work system. This will address the design decision, the trade-offs and the current limitations. It is a crash course for system developers who want to…
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C++Language Feature

40 Amazing Years Of Powerful C++ And C++20 Features By Bjarne Stroustrup (CppCon 2019)

This presentation by Bjarne Stroustrup who began developing C++ (initially called “Cwith Classes”) in 1979, is about to explain what’s great about C++, C++20, as a modern language. Bjarne explains how do classes, templates, and lambdas fit together? What have constructors and destructors to do with exceptions? What’s in the standard library? How can we start using…
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