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Quickly Learn About Basic Windows C++ Components (QuickLook Part 4)

TrackBar Trackbar is a slider on the form that allows users to get numeric values by dragging the track. A track bar can set integer values on a continuous range. It is useful for adjusting properties like color, volume and brightness. The user moves the slide indicator by dragging it to a particular location or clicking within the bar. We can set its Oriantaion to Horizantal or Vertial. We…
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The Main Function of a C++ Program

The source code written in C++ must be compiled (i.e. translated to the machine code) by one or another compiler such as Embarcadero RAD Studio C++ compilers before in can be runned. In general, there are two types of the resulting machine code: library and main executable…
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Traversing sequences without writing explicit loops

The posts General Loop Statements in Modern C++ and Range-for-statement in modern C++ cover ways to write explicit loops. But explicit loops can be tedious to write and, what is more important, – harder to read, because the resulting code requires to spend the extra time by others in order to understand what is going on in the explicit loop. As alternative, the C++ standard library provides…
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Switch Statement in Modern C++

The C++ language provides the switch statement which can be used to replace the set of if statements (see If Statements in Modern C++). First of all, let’s define the enum type Traffic_light_color as follows: enum class Traffic_light_color { red, yellow, green }; Then, the following snippet: // Snippet 1 #include <stdexcept> #include <string_view> std::string_view…
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Learn About Handling Android32 Permissions In C++

Mobile android applications developed in C++ Builder requires permissions to use some part of mobile devices (sensors, camera etc..). These should be allowed by the user. an these permissions can be checked over the project options from Project > Options > Application > Uses Permissions section. Some of these permissions were listed in this document…
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