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What Does Library Mean In C Programming?

The C programming language is one of the most popular programming languages. C++ is the highly evolved and modernized Object Oriented version of the C language and its compilers also support C language-only apps. Libraries are one of the main important parts of the C and C++ languages. For example, you can use <stdio.h> library – or <cstdio> in C++ – for the standard input output…
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How To Compile And Run A C++ Program

C++ is one of the most powerful programming languages and it’s suitable for a wide variety of uses. The RAD Studio, C++ Builder IDE is a simple development tool for those who want to develop a C++ applications. Using a fast and reliable C++ IDE is very important for…
CC++C++17Learn C++

How To Compile And Run A C Program

C is one of the most powerful programming languages and it’s suitable for a wide variety of uses. You can compile C code with a number of different C and C++ compilers. You can use many C functions in a C++ app too. For example, you can use for() loops , do-while() loops, structs, or you can use switch statements in C++ apps. The RAD Studio and C++ Builder IDEs are extremely powerful…
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C++C++17Code SnippetLearn C++Templates

Learn To Use std::tuple In A C++ Compiler For Windows

What is a tuple, or std::tuple? How can I use a tuple in a C++ compiler? Can I store different types of variables in tuple template? What does std::tuple mean to a C++ compiler? The tuple ( std::tuple) is a class templatea fixed-size collection of different types of values like floats, integers, texts, etc. In another term tuple stores the different types of the elements, it also…
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This Is How To Use Bit Shifting In Your C++ App

What is Bit Shifting? What is difference between Left Shifting and Right Shifting? How can we set bits of a byte in our C++ app? How can we slide bits in data to the left or to the right? What is a “bit” in C++ software? The bit is the most basic unit of information in computing and digital communications. In real all operators are mainly based on Bit Operations which are…
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