
The Move Iterator Adapter in C++

The dereference prefix operator * being applied to iterator returns the lvalue reference to the element pointed by the iterator. Therefore, algorithms such as std::copy or std::transform calls copying constructors of processed elements, for example: #include <algorithm> #include <list> #include <string> #include <vector> auto deep_copy_to_list(const…
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C++C++11C++14C++17IteratorsLearn C++

Introduction to C++ Iterators

Iterator abstracts the concept of pointer to the sequence in range [begin, end), and thus provides the following basic operations: dereference to obtain the current element;movement to point the next element;comparison to determine at least the end of sequence. Iterator to the element of the sequence in range [begin, end) is valid from the moment of initialization and until: the moment it…
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Stages of C++ Templates Compilation On Windows

In order to compile C++ templates the compilers like Embarcadero RAD Studio C++ compilers are required to perform two stages: definition stage and instantiation stage. The template definition stage On this stage the following checks are performed: static assertions and availability of names declarations (such as names of classes and functions) independent on template parameters are…
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Top C++ Compilers for Windows in 2020

If you are on the hunt for the best C/C++ compilers available today, this article lists the top C/C++ compilers for Windows with their features. It’s very hard, in fact, to identify which C++ compiler is the best for you, as this is mostly about what you want to…

Learn The Initialization Of Class Objects By Rvalues When Building Windows Apps In C++

C++Builder includes the use of rvalue references, which allow creating a reference to temporaries. When you initialize to an class object using an rvalue(a temporary object), C++11 looks to see if you have defined a move constructor in your class. If you have, the temporary object is passed to it as a modifiable (non-const) rvalue reference, allowing you to transfer ownership of resource pointers…
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