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What Is The Volatile Keyword In C++?

C++ is very strong in every aspect of modern programming. Volatile types are used with the volatile keyword. It is a lesser known type qualifier that is important to read types or objects whose value can be modified at any time. The volatile keyword is useful in memory-mapped applications, generally these are from a hardware device, from a sensor, from an input device, or data from on an IoT. For…
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How To Solve Data Race Problems In Modern C++?

Inmulti-thread programming, data races are a common problem in threads. Data races occur when multiple tasks or threads access a shared resource without sufficient protection, leading to undefined or unpredictable behavior on runtime. In C++, the concurrency support library is designed to solve these kinds of data race problems. In this post, we explain how to solve data race problems in…
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How To Use Lambda Expression With std::thread In C++?

Lambda Expressions allow users to write an inline expression that can be used for short snippets of code that are not going to be reused and don’t require naming in your C++ app. The lambda expressions construct is introduced in C++ 11 and further developed in the C++17 and C++20 standards. In modern C++ development, they are very useful and can be used with std::thread in multi-thread…
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How To Use Functor Object With std::thread In C++?

In modern C++ development we can use multi-thread operations and parallel programming features in our applications in different ways of modern programming features. The std::thread class is a special class defined in <thread> header in the concurrency support library that comes with C++11. We can use the std::thread class in multi-thread operations with functor objects, and in this post…
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