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Quickly Learn To Check OS Platform Compiled In C++ Builder With Predefined Macros

Sometimes it is needed to understand compilation platform during compile or acting and designing UI elements in accordance with the platform. In this post we would like to give some examples to check some options in application codes. The C++ compiler predefines certain global identifiers, known as manifest constants. Most global identifiers begin and end with __ (two underscores) in C++.
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Quickly Learn To Sort Vectors With Parallel STL Algorithm In C++ On Windows

In C++, STL Standard Template Library has many algorithms for some operations like searching, counting, and manipulation of ranges and their elements. C++17 has a new feature that you can sort vectors with Parallel STL Algorithm. In C++ Builder, Vectors can be used and sorted by Parallel STL Algorithm as below. #include <vcl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <vector> #includeโ€ฆ
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Learn To Use Powerful Lambda Expressions In C++ On Windows

Lambda Expressionsare an expression that returns a function object, it comes with C++11 standards and used C++14, C++17, C++20 standards, it is well explainedhere. Lambda expressions are widely used in C++, C#, Groovy, Java, Python, Ruby languages too. The Greek letter Lambda (ฮป) refers to an anonymous function, it means chosen since it is equated with something nameless andโ€ฆ
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C++Code SnippetLanguage FeatureLearn C++

Colors In Modern C++ For Windows Development

Colors are very important in application development on both displaying and editing/analyzing operations. All images (pictures, photos, drawings, icons, emojis, all UI elements …) are consist of pixels in colors. You just need to change the colors of a pixel to draw a beautiful drawing or to edit a photo. You can set your drawings, bitmaps, images, you can create colorful BMP, JPG, PNGโ€ฆ
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