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How To Use Basic Methods Of Strings In C++?

In C++, one of the most used variable types are text strings, also known as alfa-numeric variables, and they are really important when storing and retrieving valuable data. It is important to store your data safely in its language and localization. In modern C++, strings are std::basic_string types such as std::string, and std::wstring. In this post, we explain some methods of std::string in…
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How To Replace A Wide String Into Another In A C++ App

How can I use replace() method of std::wstring in my C++ app? How can I replace a wstring into another wstring? Can we replace char array to a wstring? How can I replace number of chars to a wstring? Is it possible to replace a wide string with a substring of another wide string? Here are the answers with C++ examples. Generally, as an introduction to C++, in addition to int, float, double…
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How To Use WString find_first_of() In A Modern C++ App

How can I search only a single character while the search is a wide string in my C++ app? What kind of methods I can use to find a character in a std::wstring? How can I use find_first_of(), find_last_of() methods with wstrings? Modern C++ uses Wide Strings and Unicode Strings to support worldwide languages. Wide Strings (std::wstring) uses wcha_tr as the character type which means they…
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How To Make find_first_not_of() String Searches In A C++ App

How can I find a first or last character that is not a character that i am searching in a string in my C++ app? What kind of methods I can use to find the first character equal to none of the characters in the given string in a std::string? How can I use find_first_not_of(), find_last_not_of() methods with strings? Modern C++ uses Wide Strings and Unicode Strings to support worldwide…
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