CC++Introduction to C++Learn C++

How To Exit A Program In C++ and C

C++ and C are two of the World’s most powerful programming languages. You use and Windows C++ IDE and compiler to create and build C and C++ programs. Using a fast and reliable C++ compiler for Windows is very important for beginners and professionals since it helps software developers in remembering which language features exist, how to use them, and even detect errors when we get them…
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CC++Learn C++

How To Execute A C Program In Terminal

C is one of the most powerful programming languages. You can create simple programs written in C using free C build tools and compilers that are available for the different operating systems like Windows, iOS, and Android. It has many pre-defined variables, functions, and…
C++C++17C++20Learn C++Syntax

What Is aligned_alloc In Modern C++?

The C++11 standard introduced a new alignment feature as one of the many features of the C++ programming language that can be used with the newest C++ compilers today. This new feature was a new keyword align std::aligned_alloc that is used to provide a nested type that can be used as an uninitialized storage for any object whose size is at most the given object size by the alignment size…
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What is aligned_union in Modern C++

The C++11 standard introduced alignment support as one of the many features of the C++ programming language that can be used with the latest C++ compilers today. One of the new features of this support was a new keyword align std::aligned_union that is used to provide a nested type which can be used as an uninitialized storage for any object whose size is at most the object size stated by…
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What Are Generalized Constant Expressions (constexpr) In C++?

C++ is really awesome programming language that has many options to use variables in a way which can make your C++ App use less memory and app size. In this post, we explain what are a constant, a constant expression and generalized constant expressions in modern C++. What is the const constant keyword in modern C++? Let’s remember that, in C++ there are two ways to define constants.
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