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What Is Weak Compare and Exchange In Modern C++?

Since the C++11 standard, the Concurrency Support Library includes built-in support for threads (std::thread) with atomic operations (std::atomic). C++11 provides both weak and strong compare-and-exchange operations in multi-threading applications. Since C++11, weak compare and exchange are used in modern C++ standards such as C++14, C++17, C++20, and in other new standards. In this post, we…
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What Is A Data Race In Multi-threading C++ Apps And How To Avoid It

In modern programming, if you are developing multithreaded applications, data races are a common problem in threads. Data races occur when multiple tasks or threads access a shared resource without sufficient protection, leading to undefined or unpredictable behavior on runtime. You can imagine two or more task threads in cores trying to reach the same data in a race. In this post, we explain…
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How To Use std::thread In Modern C++?

In modern mathematics, physics, and computer science; optimized and fasterapp developmentin programming is very important to speed up computations. CPUs and GPUs are highly evolved by the number of cores and transistors to give more computational power to today’s servers and computers. Thus, we can use more cores and threads in our applications by using std::thread. We can use…
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This Is How To Use Parallel Programming in C++ Builder

In this article, we’ll go over what parallel programming is in C++; how a C++ software like C++ Builder can help with parallel programming in C++, and examples of using TParallel in C++ Builder. What is parallel programming in C++? Parallel Programming is generally used to solve heavy calculation problems such as real time analysis of multi dimensional data, image processing…
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