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What Are The New Fold Expressions In C++ 17

C++17 is another big milestone in the history of C++, it comes with a lot of new features. In C++17, the fold expressions feature is a powerful feature that allows us to fold a parameter pack over a binary operator. Folding Expressions are very useful with variadic templates, and this feature makes template arguments more readable and concise. There are 4 different types of usage and in this…
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Learn What Is A Parameter Pack In C++

One of the great features of modern C++ is the ability to define templates. A template is a simple and very powerful statement in C++ that defines the operations of a class or function. In this article, we will explain what we mean by parameter pack in C++. You can download C++ here and use a professional C++ IDE and compiler to try things out for yourself.  What is parameter pack in…
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