Random numbers are widely used in today’s modern applications. In C we use rand(), srand() and in C++ it is std::rand(), std::srand(). Since C++11, we can use the Mersenne Twister random generators; mt19937 (std::mt19937) for 32-bit applications and mt19937_64 (std::mt19937_64) for 64-bit applications. Modern C++ allows us to use both old and new random generators. In this post, we explain…
What Are The Differences Between Mutex And Shared Mutex In C++?
October 20, 2023
The concurrency support library in modern C++ is designed to solve read and write data securely in thread operations that allow us to develop faster multi-thread apps. This library includes built-in support for threads (std::thread), atomic operations (std::atomic), mutual…
What Are The Differences Between Vector And Array In C++?
January 24, 2023
C++ has really great features that come with its modern libraries. One of the most used and very useful things is std::vector. If you know arrays in C and C++, vectors are a modern and very flexible form of arrays in C++, maybe we can say they are like modern linked lists.