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How To Use Tuple Addressing Via Type In C++14 And Beyond

The tuple ( std::tuple ) is a class template that stores the different types of elements, it also supports empty lists in modern C++. This template was introduced in C++11 and improved in C++14. In this post, we explain tuple addressing via type features that come with the C++14 standard. What is std::tuple in C++? The tuple ( std::tuple) is a class template a fixed-size collection of…
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What Is Decltype (auto) In Modern C++ And How To Use It?

The auto keyword arrives with the new features of the C++11 and the standards above. In C++14, there is a new decltype that is used with auto keyword. In modern C++, the decltype(auto) type-specifier deduces return types while keeping their references and cv-qualifiers, while auto does not. In this post, we explain what decltype (auto) is in modern C++ and how to use it. What is auto in…
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How To Use std::exchange In C++

C++ is a very precise programming language that allows you to use memory operations in a wide variety of ways. Mastering efficient memory handling will improve your app performance at run time and can result in faster applications that have optimal memory usage. One of the…
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What Are The Relaxed Constexpr Restrictions In C++?

In C++, the constexpr specifier is used to declare a function or variable to evaluate the value of at compile time, which speeds up code during runtime. This useful property had some restrictions in C++11, these are relaxed in C++14 and this feature is known asRelaxed Constexpr Restrictions. In this post, we explain what are the relaxed constexpr restrictions in modern C++. What is the…
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Learn To Use Generalized Lambda Captures In C++

The Lambda Expression construct is introduced in C++ 11 and further developed in the C++14, C++17, and C++20 standards. C++14 standard introduced thegeneralized lambda capture (init capture) that allows you to specify generalized captures, it allows to use move capture in lambdas. In C++14, lambda expressions are improved by the generalized lambda (generic lambda) and by this generalized…
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