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What Is Multiset (std::multiset) In Modern C++?

In C++, containers are powerful data storage arrays and they are very useful to iterate and search. A container is a holder object that stores data elements (a collection of data objects) such as std::array, std::vector, std::map. There is another useful container std::multiset, in this post, we explain what std::multiset is. Before that let’s remind ourselves what containers are in C++…
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What Is Heterogeneous Lookup In Associative Containers In C++?

Containers are data storage arrays in modern C++ and they are very useful to iterate and search data with their amazing methods and properties. The C++ Standard Library defines four different main container types and one of them is associative containers such as std::map, and std::set. These class types allow us to use the look-up method “find()” by a value based on a value of that…
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