C++C++11Learn C++Syntax

Learn About Using Right Angle Brackets In This C++11 Feature For Windows Development

In the Clang-enhanced C++ compilers, two consecutive right angle brackets no longer generate an error, and these constructions are treated according to the C++11 standard. C++03’s parser defines “>>” as the right shift operator or stream extraction operator in all cases. However, with nested template declarations, there is a tendency for the programmer to neglect to place a…
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C++Language FeatureLearn C++

Learn How To Use Auto-Typed Variables In C++ For Windows Development

auto-typed variables is a C++11 feature that allows the programmer to declare a variable of type auto, the type itself being deduced from the variable’s initializer expression. The auto keyword is treated as a simple type specifier (that can be used with * and &), and its semantics are deduced from the initializer expression. auto-typed Variables Examples int IntFnc() {} bool…
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