C++C++11C++14C++17C++20Learn C++

Learn Unicode Character Types and Literals in Modern C++

C++11 brings a lot of improvements and I think one of the most important features were the Unicode Character Types and Literals that allow more support for strings in different languages globally. C++11 introduced a new character type to manipulate Unicode character strings. This can be used in C++11, C++14, C++17, and above. This feature improved interactions in next generation C++…
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How To Run A C Or C++ Program On iOS

A fast and reliableC and C++ Compiler and IDE for app development software for iOS is very important for beginners and professionals alike, whether they are developing C++ for iOS or for any of the other operating systems and targets. The C and C++ programming languages are subjectively the World’s most powerful programming languages and consistently appear in the World’s top three most…
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Where To Find The C++ Standards In 2023?

C++ is a well-established programming language that is supported by a big community for many different computing hardware platforms. The language has a set of standards generally named after the approximate year the standard was adopted, such as C++98, C++11, C++14, C++17…
C++C++11C++14C++17C++20Introduction to C++

What Are Fixed Width Integer Types In Modern C++

In C++ development, integer variables can be decimal (base 10), octal (base 8) or hexadecimal (base 16). In addition to int, short int, long int, and long long int, there are fixed width integer types. Fixed-width integers are defined types with a fixed number of bits. In this post we will list them. What are fixed width integer types in modern C++? In addition to standard types in C++…
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How To Execute A Command And Get The Output In C++ Builder

Operating Systems consist of a lot of system commands, and In C++, we can run system commands by using the std::system() command. In C++ Builder, we can retrieve the output of these commands into components, for example into a Memo (TMemo), or into a ListView (TList). This allows you to use the benefits of operating system commands in activities such as Windows development. You can use any other…
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