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How To Import FANN Library For C++ Builder Windows Projects

This article is about to help you on implementing an Artificial Neural Network by using FANN Library developed by Steffen Nissen. It supportsmore than 20+ programming languages ( including Delphi and C++ Builder. You can reach full information anddocumentation here and you can download FANN source files from theirweb page…
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Switch Statement in Modern C++

The C++ language provides the switch statement which can be used to replace the set of if statements (see If Statements in Modern C++). First of all, let’s define the enum type Traffic_light_color as follows: enum class Traffic_light_color { red, yellow, green…
C++C++11C++14C++17Learn C++

Learn About Delimiters (Tokens) in Modern C++ On Windows

Delimiters (token term also used) are characters which separates strings between each of them. For example spaces, comas and other symbols can be used as a delimiter char to separate strings between them . Normaly in C++ strtok() were being used in C++, that is used with chars. In Modern C++, strings are now UnicodeStrings, TStringlists has some property to extract strings. If you are new to…
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C++C++11C++14C++17Code SnippetIntroduction to C++Language FeatureLearn C++

Learn How To Build A Modern C++ "Hello World" Example For Windows

If you are a beginner “Hello World” examples are good to understand feature of that programming language. It is good to understand how to edit text, how to write in its format, how to compile and link, how to debug and execute, how to deploy or release. This example below is a modern “Hello World” example on Windows which runs with C++ Builder. Modern applications has GUI…
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C++C++11C++14C++17Generic ProgrammingIteratorsLearn C++

Helpers for Generic C++ Code Iterating Over Sequences

The iterator library that is part of the C++ Standard Library provides the following helpers for writing generic code: #include <iterator> // helpers are defined here template<class Container> void foo(Container& c) { // Generic way to obtain (constant) iterators auto b = std::begin(c); // (1) auto cb = std::cbegin(c); // (2) auto e = std::end(c); //…
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