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How To Convert A String to a Wide String In A Modern C++ App

How can I convert std::string to a std::wstring in a modern C++ app? How can I convert single byte string to 2-bytes wide string? Here are the answers with C++ examples. In Modern C++, there are several typedefs for common character types are provided: Wide string types are defined in header <string>. strings are the string class for byte characters represented with string. Alphanumeric…
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How To Use The All-Powerful swscanf function In Your C++ App

What is the swscanf function? How can I use swscanf in a C++ app? Where can I find format specifiers for the swccanf function? What is the syntax of swscanf? Where can I find full examples of using the swscanf function in a C++ app? What is the swscanf function? The swscanf function is an old C function (since C95) that reads data from a variety of sources, scans and formats input from a…
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The Modern Way To Read Formatted Wide Strings In A C++ App

How can we read a formatted wstring in a modern C++ app? How can I convert a wstring to a wstringstream? What is std::wstringstream? What are the methods that can be used to read a formatted string in general? Is there a simple example of how to read formatted wide string? Is there a full C++ example of reading formatted wide strings in a C++ app? Let’s answer these questions. When we…
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This Is How To Convert A String To A Char Array In C++ Software

How can we convert one string to char array in Modern C++? Here are the answers with C++ software examples. Generally, as an introduction to C++, in addition to int, float, double there is another data type, string that we use for alphanumeric variables. In C++ there are several typedefs for common character types are provided: String types are defined in header<string>. strings…
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