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How To Use std::u16string In A Modern C++ App

What is u16string in modern C++? How can I use u16string in a C++ app? Is std::u16string same as std::string? Why I have an error when I define a std::u16string? Which literal should I use with the std::u16string? What is u16string? The u16string (std::u16string or std::pmr::u16string) are the string class data types for the 16bit characters defined in the std and std::pmr namespaces. It…
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What Is The Erase WString Method In A Modern C++ App

How can I use erase() method of std::wstring? How can I erase part of a wide string? Here are the answers with modern C++ app examples. Generally, as an introduction to C++, in addition to int, float, double, string there is another data type called wide string that we use for alphanumeric variables in Modern C++. In Modern C++, there are several typedefs for common character types are…
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