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What Are The Member Initializers And Aggregates Features in C++14?

C++14 brought us a lot of useful things that we use today. One of the great features of C++14 was the member initializers and aggregates feature that a class with default member initializers may now be an aggregate. In this post, we explain how can use member initializers and aggregates with examples. What are the member initializers and aggregates features in C++14? With the new C++14, a…
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C++C++11C++14C++17Introduction to C++Learn C++

Learn to Use Parameters in Functions in C++

In the C++ programming language, we can add functions with many parameters, each parameter may have different types. We can add as many parameters as we want by defining its type and its name to be used inside that function separated with ‘,’ coma. We can shape this usage in the most common syntax to define a function as below, return_type function_name ( type1 parameter1, type2…
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